Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meg with Eva

Meg with Eva

Because she needed
to lose the memories
to make a clean start …

Because of the instinct
to get out of her own way,
to trust Fate
to become something Other …

Because nothing was hers
to cling to ~ not really…

Except the hair and the ponies
and the intensity of the Mom-bond.

She chose to fly ~
not away from, but toward.
With the herd gathered
and a child in each hand,
she leapt forward into the Void.

And she left the hair behind.

Nora Place Morbeck

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Bonfire of Procrastination: Apologia for Clutter

Where to start?...
and how?...
and why?...
What is my motivation?
What is the purpose?

To tidy after the woefully untidy?
To glower in resentment
amongst heaps created
by the oblivious and unconcerned?
To grudgingly un-clutter
what no woman has un-cluttered before?

I live in a world of possibilities.
What are my options?

I could throw a Pity Party for one,
a celebration of sulky procrastination.

I could, in a fit of dissociation,
deny the very existence
of the clutter.

I could, better yet,
touch a match to all of it –
howl and dance naked in reckless abandon
like a Pictish blue warrior –
while sparks leap toward the sky.
Sacrifice the clutter to the
purification of flame!
Make such a fiery end to procrastination
as to be the glorious inspiration
to all other Domestic Goddesses!!

Or …
I could just suck it up and clean.

Nora Place Morbeck