Several people have expressed interest in the October workshop, titled
Living the Circle: An Exploration of Our Relationships with Creator, the Earth and Each Other. They’ve asked some wonderful questions, one of which is “What is this all about?”
So, to clarify a few things, I thought I’d take a few minutes to share what participants can expect from this workshop.
First, the program involves Equine Guided Education and Coaching. For those who are unfamiliar with this kind of personal growth and learning, the process partners people with horses in activities that are designed to help people connect with their own answers, their own Truth, their own values.
This is an experiential learning process with horses acting as guides or teachers. In other words, as we interact with the horses, insights will surface that relate to other parts of our lives. We’re able to gain different perspectives through these interactions and apply the lessons to daily life.
What can horses teach us? By nature these animals have finely tuned instincts. In a herd or alone, they are acutely aware of their environment at all times; of the subtle shifts in the energy around them. When they’re around people, they respond to our energy and to the shifts within us.
Horses can’t lie or fake their emotions, but they certainly know when we’re faking it! Humans have a tendency to wear “masks.” We may project one emotion when we’re feeling something completely different inside. Horses respond to how we’re truly feeling. So, if we’re all smiles on the outside but feeling anger or grief inside, horses sense the incongruity. They respond to our authentic feelings. Their “feedback” is honest and non-judgmental. This gift allows us to learn more about ourselves, to see our attitudes and behaviors from a different angle, and to re-connect with our authentic selves.
As coaches, Dawn Sanborn and I acknowledge that horses are equal partners in the learning experience. She and I are present to support people learning from horses. We’ll set the activities in motion and allow participants to explore what each experience means on a personal level. We’ll encourage people to expand the lessons beyond the self to reflect on the larger community, to the Earth and to Creator. On occasion, we’ll step in to make inquiries which lend themselves to developing greater awareness during the experience. Otherwise, we get out of the way and let the horses do their work!
Within the context of this workshop, we’ll explore the Circle of Life with horses as our guides. The activities will echo aspects of the Medicine Wheel, beginning in the East and following the path of the sun to the North. Each direction offers us different lessons. Each activity will give participants an opportunity to explore their own Journeys.
There is no riding or training involved. All activities with horses are done on the ground and no horse experience is necessary. We simply ask that you come with an open heart and an open mind.
A traditional Native American Sweat Lodge will follow the workshop. Participants in the workshop will come together to help with lodge preparations and learn what is involved in the process. For people who have never participated in a Sweat Lodge, please go to (click on the Sweat Lodge page) to learn more about this purification ceremony.
I’d like to take a minute to acknowledge a volunteer, Kate Staley, who’s stepped up to the plate to assist us with this workshop. Volunteers are so important. They invest their time and energy to ensure the day goes smoothly and that everyone gets the greatest benefit from the experience. So, if you come to
Living the Circle, please remember to say thanks to Kate for all of her good work!
Also, a great big “Thanks!” in advance to Karen Wolfe and Barbara Morton for allowing us to use their property and to work with their wonderful horses.
To register for the workshop and get directions to this event (held in Bremen, GA) please feel free to get in touch. I can be reached via e-mail at
mothercreekhorse@gmail.comBlessings and Balance …